Over the years and based on the specific application, Bertrams has developed and continuously optimised specific key-equipment used in the concentration and processing technologies of alkali solution or acids. Have a look in more detail to those specifically designed Bertrams unique parts and other key components used in our plants:
- Evaporator of falling, rising or forced circulation type
- Caustic final concentrator
- Flaker
- Thermal fluid heater
- Single/multiple fuel, highly efficient burners
- Heat exchangers (double tube, shell and tube, rotary)
- Spray basket for micro prilling technology
- Electric heating rods
- Glass lined evaporators
- And more..
Have a look to our genuine equipment below.

Flaking machine

Thermal fluid heating units


Heat exchangers
(double tube, shell and tube, etc..)

Prill spraying basket

Caustic melt pump

Prill rotary cooler

Fluid bed reactor
For carbonate production

Electric heating rods
For acid concentration

Glass lined evaporators
For acid concentration

Diverting device

Caustic tanks
(Seal pot, flash tank)

Prilling tower