Training & Qualification
When you buy a Bertrams plant, you buy a peace of mind. However, you must also rely on your team of plant operators to get the jobs done. One factor will insure safe and optimal plant operation: well-trained staff. Insuring that the right know-how and competence development is there for you will prove invaluable to your everyday operations.
Our Bertrams training and qualification courses are designed to give your plant personnel the competencies they need. Introducing plant function and operation, providing the necessary skills to operate the plant safely, determine the correct maintenance strategy, handle first-line troubleshooting, interpret alerts and undertake appropriate action to avoid downtime and maintain plant availability, valuable tips and tricks are all services you can expect from our training session. A valuable basic and practical know-how, tips and tricks are transferred directly from the plant manufacturer.
Knowledge and skills acquired through Bertrams` experienced service team is a key to insuring the highest and best performance of your production plants at all times.

- Competent and confident operators
- Up-to date maintenance and operator teams
- Optimal plant performance
- Prevention of incorrect operation
- Reduced operating and maintenance costs